感謝您們的代禱及在BBNJ 地區救援工作上慷慨的支援!時隔至今,COVID 的蔓延,地方關
Thank you, for your continued prayer and generous support of the ongoing relief work in BBNJ.
The effects of the COVID surges, lockdowns, and job losses are still very real throughout the
BBNJ geography.
There is also a lot of encouraging news coming from the BBNJ region. Many church planters are
back out in the harvest and gathering with believers and church leaders again. It has been
refreshing to hear testimony of churches being able to gather in person. Entry and Evangelism
tools that were taught over Zoom meetings are being used to engage the Lost. Discipleship and
Leadership Development Trainings are happening. A marriage conference for Pastors and
Leaders is happened this past week.
請繼續為BBNJ 教會植堂工作各團隊與「國家合作夥伴」們的同工,落實在每一個社區裡,
COVID 救援工作後去應對在我們周圍的屬靈工作上的挑戰和需要。請為我們從聖經羅馬書
15:2-23 及啟示錄7:9-10 裡得着「福音全覆蓋」的異象禱告,得以成為事實。
Please continue to pray as BBNJ Church Planting Teams work with National Partners to see
healthy churches planted among every people and place in our region. We need your
continued prayer and support to move beyond COVID relief to address the spiritual crisis
around us. Pray for this Vision, based on Romans 15:20-23 and Revelation 7:9-10, to become
our present reality.
「福音全覆蓋」異象:在BBNJ 地區裡的每一個社區,每一個族群,都擁
No Place Left: Local Ownership of the Core Missionary Task
Among Every People and Place in BBNJ

在BBNJ 地區,一些當地教會用作救援物資分派中心,提供教會服務社區的機會。有些前
In some areas of BBNJ a local church building can serve as a distribution point. This can be a
good opportunity to for the church to serve the community. Many people coming to receive
relief have never been to a church or interacted with a Pastor or believers.

你們的援助,也幫助了在BBNJ 地區主內的弟兄姐妹信徒:當地教會的領袖和信徒也是這
Church Leaders and Believers were also given help during this time. Many of them experienced
the same loss as everyone else. Some of your support went to help Brothers and Sisters
throughout BBNJ.

一名BBNJ 教會植堂傳道人把大批救援物資運送到當地一間教會,信徒再把救援物資分裝,
One BBNJ Church Planter had ration supplies delivered in bulk to a church building. The church
members helped pack the supplies, prepare the ration packets, invite people from needy
communities, and pray for people when they came to get their supplies.

Many women came to the church to receive ration packets for their families. After they were
given packets, then they were prayed for. Many also heard the Gospel during the distribution
time. They were invited to come to the church again as well.

建立對BBNJ 地區特殊環境更適合的家庭教會。
While distribution from a church building can be helpful at times, every area of BBNJ does not
and cannot have a church building. All our church planting teams focus on house church
planting. For various reasons, this is a better fit for the BBNJ context.

若要落實之前提到在BBNJ 地區「福音全覆蓋」的異象,就必須在BBNJ 全區建立健康教
If we want to see the previously mentioned No Place Left Vision for BBNJ reached, then we
need to see healthy churches planted throughout the region. Below is a simple study that we
walk through to emphasize who a healthy church is and how it should seek to function. The
study is based off of Acts 2 and a couple other supporting passages.
- 教會的成員(徒2:41)
- 接受了福音的信徒
- 接受了浸禮的信徒
- 被認定/接納為屬於本地教會的信徒
- 教會的功用(徒2:37-47)
- 引導信徒悔改、相信(38 節)
- 給信徒施浸(38 節)
- 提供信徒一起守主餐的地方(42 節)
- 提供信徒禱告的地方(42 節)
- 提供信徒操練彼此相愛生活的地方(44-47 節)
- 提供信徒奉獻的渠道(45 節)
- 差派信徒往外建立門徒(47 節)
- 教會聚會的地方(徒2:46, 5:42;羅16:5)
- 在信徒家裡
- 教會聚會的時間(徒2:46;來10:24-25)
- 每天、定期
- 教會聚會的目的(哈2:14;太28:18-20)
- 讚美神!
- 建立門徒
- Who is the church?(Acts 2:41)
- Those who accept the Gospel.
- Those who are baptized.
- Those who identify as a local church
- What does the church do?(Acts 2:37-47)
- Repent & Believe(v38)
- Baptize(v38)
- Lords’ Supper (v42)
- Pray (v42)
- Love (v44-47)
- Give (v45)
- Go & Make Disciples (v47)
- Where does the church meet?(Acts 2:46, 5:42;Romams 16:5)
- In houses
- When does the church meet?(Acts 2:46;Hebrews 10:24-25)
- Day by day or regularly
- Why does the church meet?(Hab 2:14;Matthew 28:18-20)
- To glorify God!
- To make disciples!
請為在BBNJ 地區的教會植堂工作祷告,藉着對當地居民在生活上和物資上的援助,得以
Please pray that we would see healthy church planting catalyzed through these relief projects in
the BBNJ Region. Thank you, for your partnership. Thank you, for your continued prayer.
若要得知更多關於BBNJ 地區工作情况,請電郵到bbnjconnect@southasia.life
To learn more about the ongoing work in BBNJ, please email bbnjconnect@southasia.life