By: Chinese Baptist Fellowship of USA and Canada The discussion of women in ministry, specifically holding the...
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The following is the Southern Baptist response to the earthquake in Morocco. SEND RELIEF is a one...
Dear pastors, church leaders and brothers and sisters in the Lord, 親愛的牧師、教會領袖、主內弟兄姊妹們平安: Several months ago, when two...
課程簡介以保羅書信為藍本,精要論述保羅在新約中對指定主題的教導。目的是幫助學員對該些主題有基本認識,並指引他們如何進深一步研讀這些主題的進路。信徒加油站目的結連美加各浸信教會,供美加各地堂會會眾免費參加。網上講學 費用全免 自由參加 對象任何信眾講員均是浸信會博士級教牧同工,於牧養方面具豐富經驗。授課語言粵語。若反應良好,日後可開辦國語課程。上課日期/時間2023 年2月起至11月(共十次)逢每月第四個周四晚上 感恩節順延一周)7:00 – 8:30 pm (PT)8:00 – 9:30 pm (MT)9:00 – 10:30 pm(CT)10:00...
Source: Baptist Press Pray for the Afghan people as they navigate political unrest, violence and persecution....