22021 年 7 月 31 日(星期六),我們將有機會參加一個虛擬的聚會,慶祝上帝在我們中間和在印度所做的一切。我們將會與BBNJ團隊的一些部份成員在網上會面,並直接了解 BBNJ 地區及鄰近地區的脈災工作的最新進展;得知你和你的教會慷慨的捐獻,如何影響了當地人們的身心靈和生活;並現在你和你的教會,作為向印度傳福音事工的有心人,可以考慮如何在上帝的帶領之下作的下一步。請閱讀下面的宣傳海報了解更多詳情並踴躍參加這虛擬的聚會。
On Saturday, July 31, 2021, we will have an opportunity to participate in a Virtual Event to celebrate what God has done in our midst and in India. You will also have the privilege of meeting some members of the team and learn first hand about the progress that is made in the relief distribution in the BBNJ Region and in adjacent regions; how your generosity is impacting the physical and spiritual lives of people; and how now you and your church, as stakeholders in the Gospel ministry in India, might want to consider what the next steps could be, under the leadership of God. Please view the promotional flyer appended below for more details and make plans to attend.
Please click this link to join the Zoom meeting 請點擊此鏈接加入Zoom聚會:
Meeting ID: 822 2078 8815 Passcode: BBNJ