事工領袖訓練是每間教會最重要的需要之一。華人浸信會教會領袖學院(The Chinese Baptist School of Church Leadership, CBSCL)是美加華人浸信會聯會與美南浸信會金門神學院(Gateway Seminary of the Southern Baptist Convention)合作成立的裝備事工,提供粵語和國語的課程,訓練教會義工擔任不同的事工角色,包括門徒訓練夥伴、小組組長、聖經教師、福音事工領袖、教育主任和執事等。所有課程均由具備學術資格與實際經驗的事工領袖教授。課程可付學費取得學分或免費旁聽。證書與文憑由金門神學院頒發。學院歡迎所有基督徒申請就讀,不需要高中畢業以上的入學要求。
教會領袖學院2025 年春季課程的簡介會錄影:
大多數 2025 年春季課程於 1 月 19 日的一週開課,列於此處:
李業基牧師 (Pastor Gideon Lee)
Introduction to CBSCL Courses for Spring 2025
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
Happy new year!
One of the most important needs for every church is ministry leadership training. The Chinese Baptist School of Church Leadership (CBSCL) is an equipping ministry of the Chinese Baptist Fellowship of the United States and Canada, established in partnership with the Gateway Seminary of the Southern Baptist Convention. CBSCL offers courses in Cantonese and Mandarin Chinese with the goal of training volunteers serving for different ministerial roles ranging from discipling partners, small group leaders, bible teachers, evangelistic ministry leaders, educational directors and deacons, etc. All the courses are taught by ministry leaders with both academic qualifications and practical experience. Courses may be taken for academic credits or audited free of charge. Certificates and diplomas are conferred by Gateway Seminary. The school is open to all Christians without educational prerequisites beyond high school graduation.
You can watch the introducing CBSCL (in Cantonese) video recording here:
Most Spring 2025 courses start the week beginning January 19 and are listed here:
Please help forward this announcement. Hope to see you at the meeting. Thank you!
Pastor Gideon Lee
Director, CBSCL