Pray for the Local Planning Committee for the 20th Biennial Conference drawn from Pastors in the Greater...
Pastor Amos Lee I celebrated my 70th this month and the highlight of that milestone was being...
Pray for the Local Planning Committee for the 20th Biennial Conference drawn from Pastors in the Greater...
Pray for the Local Planning Committee for the 20th Biennial Conference drawn from Pastors from the Greater...
Pastor Amos Lee 李英柏牧師 My wife, Ruth, and I have been in Houston the last three days. (Prior...
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Praise God for the conclusion of the Executive Committee meeting held in Los Angeles over the last...
冼志儉牧師致李英柏牧師的信 A letter from Rev. Jeremy Sin, North American Mission Board, to Rev. Amos Lee PDF version...
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羅志傑牧師日記 八月廿七日 主日 整個大休士頓成澤國,公路成河,水位幾乎到公路橫路牌,可 開快艇救人,機場往返德州各城市和香港班機全停至明天中午 才有分曉,路陷、醫院地庫水浸、有家電視台水浸停播… 家中琴房不知何來"活水泉源",地氈水為財。 我們班老人家星期二飛Las Vegas 玩幾天,求主保守,路路暢 通!不然只有留下來倍Harvey 了。 此風愛上德州小姐,窮追不走,甘願改變路線,今晚回頭轉出 墨灣,明天再度北上追回休士頓,星期五直追美女達拉斯,希 望他夢想成真,從此消遊世外。可憐各電視台廿四小時只講 Harvey 行踪,連謹有球賽轉播的娛樂都沒殺了。...