职位 Position: 全职中文牧師 Chinese Minister or Pastor
要求1:认同美南浸信会信仰与信息 2000 (https://bfm.sbc.net/chinese/)
要求3: 呼召明确, 全心委身, 有讲道, 教导和劝勉的恩赐, 对传福音, 小组事工, 门徒训练, 和关怀探访有负担和热诚
Dublin Baptist Chinese Church of Dublin, Ohio, is prayerfully seeking a minister or pastor called by God to lead a predominately Chinese American congregation with big potential to grow in a city with about 1,000 Chinese families. The minister or pastor will lead church ministries of teaching, discipleship, small group, caring, and can preach in Chinese with communication capability in both Chinese and English. Two years or more ministry experience in the North America is preferred but not required. Resumes should be submitted to Charles Wu, Chairman of Deacon Board, Dublin Baptist Chinese Church.
Contact 联系人: 吴陈琴执事
电话: 614-467-0128
Email: dbccadmin@dublinbcc.org
Church Address: 7195 Coffman Road, Dublin, OH 43017
Website: https://www.dublinbcc.org