April 19, 2024


The vocational ministry can be a lonely place. Ministers are there for people as they minister to their physical. emotional and spiritual needs. But, where do they go when they need help and support themselves? Ministers and their families need a support system whereby God’s love and affirmation of their calling can be expressed in tangible ways. CBF seeks to be a servant to servants and their families.

從 2023 年二月起,每月的最後一個禮拜一,時間為東岸時間早上十一時,中部時間早上十時,西部時間早上八時于綫上舉行。歡迎各浸信會同工參加, 講座鏈接 Zoom Link:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88980771952?pwd=UUhwK0VTWm1SWGIrbFlzT3h1RHFtQT09Zoom 號碼和登錄密碼 : Meeting ID: 889 8077 1952 Passcode: Recharge 日期 題目...