July 27, 2024

第二十一屆雙年會 21st Biennial Conference

The Conference has been CANCELLED.

We encourage ministers, deacons, church leaders and members of Chinese Baptist churches to attend.
Scholarships available to Baptist Ministers.

Date 日期

September 29-October 1, 2020 (Tues-Thurs)

Venue 地點

Crosspoint Church of Silicon Valley
658 Gibraltar Court, Milpitas, CA 95035

Keynote Speaker 主題講員

Dr. David Allen

西南浸信會神學院講道學院主任,講道學的傑出教授,釋經講道中心主任,並George W. Truett 教牧關懷榮譽教授。他將用希伯來書為教材。
Dean of the School of Preaching, Distinguished Professor of Preaching, and the George W. Truett Chair of Pastoral Ministry at Southwestern Bap-tist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas. He will teach from the Book of Hebrews.

Workshops 研討會/工作坊

• 難得契機:同來正視虐待或騷擾事宜 Becoming a Church that Cares Well for the Abused
• 回應挑戰:教會重新興旺有計,有辦法 Fit and Flourish Within the Body of Christ
• 近在眉睫:以「文本主道」講道法 Text-Driven Preaching from The Book of Hebrews
• 領袖塑造: 浸信會的信仰、遺產、特色與體制 Our Baptist Heritage: Distinctives and Polity
• 投資有道: 同建立關懷及植堂領袖 Establishing a Pipeline of Growing Disciples, Caring Leaders and Future Church Planters

Hotel Accommodation 旅館住宿

Executive Inn, 95 Dempsey Rd, Milpitas, CA 95035
(408) 262-5400

標準房間,1 King Bed,每晚$89 (另加稅)
標準房間,2 Double Beds,每晚$99 (另加稅)
包早餐,訂房請使用優惠碼 CBF2020.

Conference special rate:
Standard room with 1 King Bed, $89 per night plus tax
Standard room with 2 Double Beds, $99 per night plus tax Breakfast included.
Use discount code “CBF2020” when making your reservations.

Frequently Asked Questions FAQ 常問問題

Poster 海報

Download Conference Poster
下載 大會海報

Download Registration Form
下載 報名表格