October 18, 2024

Frequently Asked Questions 問與答

What are the DATES of the Conference and when does it start?
會議日期 ?

The Conference starts on Monday, September 26, 2022, and ends on Thursday, September 29, 2022. Registration starts at 12 noon, with the first Workshop starting at 3 pm.

會議日期是 2022 年 9 月 26 -29日(星期一至四) 舉行。中午12點開始註冊,第一個工作坊在下午3點開始。


Dr. David Allen is the Distinguished Professor of Preaching and the George W. Truett Chair of Ministry in the School of Theology at the Southwestern Baptist Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas. He is also the Director of the Southwestern Center for Expository Preaching. He will also lead a workshop on Text Driven Preaching at the Conference and will share his skills and insights into this unique approach to preaching.

主題講員是David Allen博士。他是德克薩斯州韋科西南浸信會神學之講道學特聘傑出教授。同時,他亦是該神學院George W. Truett事工的主席。他也是西南解經講道中心的主任。在是次的會議上,他將會帶領一個「以文為本驅動講道」的研討會,並在當中分享他對這獨特的講道法之技巧和見解。

How much is the REGISTRATION FEE?

All attendees pay a USD$50/CAD$60 Registration Fee.
The Registration fee includes all meals, including the banquet on Wednesday, September 28.

每人的註冊費 : 50 美元/60加幣。
註冊費包括大會期間所有膳食,及在 9月28日星期三晚上的宴會。


There are two ways to Register for the Conference:


By Mail: Fill out the Registration Form. Write check for the Registration Fees payable to CBF and send both items to the respective CBF country addresses:

郵寄: 填妥報名表,以支票支付註冊費,支票抬頭: CBF,將報名表連同支票一併寄到CBF美國/加拿大地址:
USA: P.O. Box 1393, Monterey Park, CA. 91754
CANADA: c/o 1989 N. Park Drive, Brampton, ON L65 5X5

Online: Register online at https://chinesebaptists/conf2022. Pay the Conference Fee by Zelle using this email address: chinesebaptistfellowship@gmail.com

線上報名: https://chinesebaptists/conf2022,以 Zelle 支付註冊費。 使用此電子郵件地址:chinesebaptistfellowship@gmail.com

Which AIRPORT should I use?

We strongly recommend that you fly into Mineta San Jose International Airport (SJC) which is a short distance away from Milpitas. (SFO, a larger airport, is more than an hour away in traffic.) Please take Uber, Lyft or other ride hailing service to your motel.

我們強烈建議你飛抵Mineta San Jose International Airport (SJC)。 這機場離Milpitas 市不遠。(SFO 是一個較大的機場,在交通繁忙的時間需要一個多小時車程。)請乘坐Uber, Lyft或其他搭乘服務到達目的地。

What about ACCOMMODATION? How should I book for my stay?
住宿方面如何 ? 我應該如何預訂 ?

Silicon Valley, the venue of the Conference, is a pricy place to stay, but we have made arrangements with the following hotel:


Americas Best Value Inn and Suites
485 S. Main Street,
Milpitas, CA. 95350

Rates: Rooms with 1 Queen Bed @ $80.00 per night (includes taxes)
Rooms with 2 Queen Beds @ $90.00 per night (includes taxes)

房價:配備 1 張大床的客房,每晚 80.00 美元(包稅)
配備 2 張大床的客房,每晚 90.00 美元(包稅)

To get the special rate, please call their Direct Line: 408-946-8383 to book and mention Code: “CBF”. Please book as soon as you can with your credit card. To save on cost, a room with 2 beds sleeps two persons. You may want to share a room with another participant.
If you need other options, we can recommend other motels in the area.

請盡快使用信用卡預訂。 為節省住宿費,一間有 2 張床的房間可供2人入住。 你可安排自己的室友。

Are SCHOLARSHIPS available? How do I apply?
有沒有助學金 ?如何申請 ?

While we encourage churches to send their ministers and seminary students to attend the Conference and underwrite their expenses, we do provide limited scholarships to those who need help.


1. For those coming from California, we have a $150 scholarship for ministers and seminary students serving in Baptist churches who need it.

來自加州的浸信會教牧同工和神學生,有需要者,每人可得到150 美元助學金。

2. For those coming from outside of California, we have a USD$250/CAD$300 scholarship for ministers and seminary students serving in Baptist churches who need it.

來自加州以外的浸信會牧者和神學生,有需要者,每人可得到250 美元/300加幣助學金。

Please check the appropriate box on the Registration Form. All CBF scholarships are paid after the end of the Conference.

請在報名表上的相應方框勾選。 所有 CBF 的助學金,均在會議結束後發放。

大會結束後,還有其他活動嗎 ?

The Northern California Chinese Baptist Association will host a ½ day coach tour of the Bay Area on Thursday, September 29, 2022, for Conference attendees. This event is limited to 50 people on a first come first served basis. Please check the appropriate box if you are interested in participating in this free optional event.

北加洲華人浸信會區聯會於 2022 年 9 月 29 日(星期四)為參加者舉辦灣區旅遊巴半日遊。 是次活動僅限50人參加,先到先得。 如果你有興趣參加這免費活動,請在相應的方框勾選。

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