3/22/2025 (SAT) 9AM-3PM
San Bruno Chinese Church
250 Courtland Dr. San Bruno, CA 94066
$15/person, lunch included, 12 and under free
Speakers 講員
Keynote & Mandarin/Cantonese Workshop Speaker: Rev. Dr. Victor Wong 黃忠牧師
English Workshop Speakers: Rev. Dr. Joseph Shao & Dr. Rosa Ching Shao 邵晨光牧師與邵莊秀美博士
Mandarin/Cantonese Workshop Speaker: Rev. Abraham Chiu 招世超牧師
Program 程序
English 英語 | Mandarin 國語 | Cantonese 粵語 | |
9:00 – 9:30 AM | Registration 註冊 | ||
9:30 – 9:45 AM | Praise Worship 詩歌敬拜 | ||
9:45 – 11:00 AM | Workshop: Why makes disciples? | 工作坊: 如何帶門徒? | 工作坊: 為何帶門徒? |
11:00 – 11:15 | Recess 小息 | ||
11:15 AM – 12:30 PM | Workshop: How to make disciples? | 工作坊: 為何帶門徒? | 工作坊: 如何帶門徒? |
12:30 – 1:30 PM | Lunch 午餐 | ||
1:30 – 1:45 PM | Praise Worship 詩歌敬拜 | ||
1:45 – 2:00 PM | NCCBA Business Meeting 北加華人浸信會聯會事務會議 | ||
2:00 – 2:45 PM | Keynote 主題: Exciting Disciple-making 活力門徒栽培 | ||
2:45 PM | Meeting Adjourned 休會 |
Organizers 主辦
NCCBA in collaboration with Disciple-Maker.org.

Flyer 傳單
Registration 註冊
Speaker Introduction 講員簡介

Rev. Dr. Victor Wong 黃忠牧師
Keynote and Workshop Speaker for Mandarin & Cantonese Tracks
Rev. Victor Wong grew up in Hong Kong. He went to the States for university. After receiving a M.S. in mathematics from Indiana State University, he taught in the universities and was in systems and operations research with Ford Motor Company for a few years. Later, having received the M.R.E. and Ed. D. degrees from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, he served for 40+ years in pastorate, teaching, para-church organizations, writing, broadcasting, student work, etc.
As a missionary in Malaysia, he taught seminary and developed churches, having served as the director of the Doctor of Ministry program. Since 1981, he taught disciple making in 11 seminaries, 3000+ pastors and church leaders in 500+ Chinese churches worldwide. 黃忠牧師出生於香港,在美國念大學,得到數學碩士後,在大學教書和做電腦工作多年。奉獻後在美國西南浸信會神學院得到基教碩士和博士. 四十多年的傳道事奉,包括牧會,神學院教書,褔音機構,文字,廣播,學生工作,門徒訓練等。
最近曾於馬來西亞事奉, 服務於神學教育和教會發展, 和為北美神學院教牧博士主任。
在門徒栽培事工上,從 1981 年,共教於 11 間神學院,並教導全球五百多家華人教會的三千多位教牧和教會領袖。

Rev. Dr. Joseph Too Shao & Dr. Rosa Shao
邵晨光牧師 邵莊秀美博士
English Track Workshop Speakers
Dr. Joseph Too Shao is the President Emeritus of the Biblical Seminary of the Philippines. He has been the instigator in bringing the IEA “Becoming a Disciple-maker” since 2013 when he first met Dr. Billie Hanks. Until today, the BSOP has been using this set of materials in their curriculum, and students from the Big C have been using them to bless their churches. He is also the fourth General Secretary of the Asia Theological Association.
He once served as senior consultant pastor of the United Evangelical Church of the Philippines. Together with his wife, Rosa, they try to promote these materials wherever they go, making disciples as well as disciple-makers for Jesus.
Dr. Rosa Ching Shao serves alongside her husband, Joseph, having been a pastor at the United Evangelical Church of the Philippines; a faculty at the Biblical Seminary of the Philippines for almost 4 decades. She continues to do one-on-one disciple-making with her Timothys’ and some of them have produced second and third generation of disciple-makers.
邵晨光博士和邵莊秀美博士簡介 邵晨光博士 (Dr. Joseph Too Shao)是菲律賓聖經神學院榮譽院長。自 2013 年第一次遇見比利.漢克斯 (Billie Hanks) 以來,他一直是 IEA「成為門徒栽培者」資料推行的發起人。直到今天,BSOP 一直將這套材料用作課程,而來自特殊國家的學生也一直使用它們來為造就他們的教會。
邵莊秀美博士 (Dr. Rosa Ching Shao) 與她的丈夫晨光一起服務,曾擔任菲律賓中華基督教會的傳道;在菲律賓聖經神學院任教近四十年。她持續與自己的提摩太們進行一對一的門徒訓練,其中一些已經培養出第二代和第三代門徒。

Rev. Dr. Abraham Chiu 招世超牧師
Workshop Speaker for Mandarin & Cantonese Tracks
Rev. Abraham Chiu is the Founding pastor of Crosspoint Chinese Church of Silicon Valley. He started his first church in 1984 in the southwestern suburb of Houston, Texas. In January 1990, he was called to serve as the Senior Pastor of Chinese Baptist Church of San Jose. He planted his second church, Crosspoint Chinese Church of Silicon Valley in the city of Milpitas in 2000.
Rev. Chiu launched a church-wide disciple making campaign in 2010. One year later, over 200 people had been trained as disciples. Since then, Crosspoint Church has planted four campuses in Pleasanton, Tracy, the Peninsula area, and San Leandro.
Rev. Chiu was a graduate of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary with M.Div. & M.A. degrees. He holds an Ed.M. from Teacher’s College, Columbia University and was conferred Honorary Doctor of Ministry Degree from Truth Baptist Theological Seminary. Rev. Chiu is married to Sarah Sau-Har Yip in 1979 and has two grown sons, Daniel and Matthew.
招世超牧師為矽谷匯點華人教會創會牧師。 招牧師於 1984 年首次在德州休士頓西南市郊的密蘇里市開荒植堂,其後於 1990 年開始在三藩市南灣區聖荷西華人浸信會任主任牧師;到 2000 四月在苖必達市開始矽谷匯點華人教會,次年一月正式自立。
招牧師積極推動門徒訓練事工,自 2010 年二月開始在教會中推動全民門訓,一年後已有超過二百人接受門徒訓練。之後匯點分別於三谷區、 Tracy、南三藩市 Peninsula及San Leandro開設分堂。
招牧師於美國西南浸信會神學院接受神學訓練,獲道學碩士及宗教教育碩士學位;後再於紐約哥倫比亞大學教育學院進修獲教育碩士學位,並獲真道浸信會神學院頒發榮譽教牧學博士。 招牧師於 1979 年與葉秀霞女士結婚並有二子,文車和文雋。