July 27, 2024

Speaker and Workshop Leaders

Dr. David Allen 亞倫.大衛博士

A pastor at heart, Dr. Allen is the founder and preaching coach of the David Allen Ministries. He was the former Distinguished Professor of Preaching and the former George W. Truett Chair of Ministry in the School of Theology at the Southwestern Baptist Seminary in Texas. He was also the former Director of the Southwestern Center for Expository Preaching. Dr. Allen is our Plenary Speaker and will also lead a workshop on Text Driven Preaching where he will share his skills and insights into this unique approach to preaching.

有著牧者的心懷David Allen 博士是 「講道教練」(Preaching Coach) 和 「亞倫.大衛事工」(David Allen Ministries) 的創始人。 他是德克薩斯州西南浸信會神學院神學系的前傑出講道教授和前喬治·W·特魯特事工主席(George W. Truett Chair of Ministry)。 他也是西南釋經講道中心的前任主任。 在會議上,他是我們大會講員,及帶領一個 「本文導向講道法」的研討會,並分享這種獨特的講道法的技巧和他的見解。

Pastor Larry Tong 唐若愚牧師

Rev. Larry Tong was born and raised in Hong Kong. He came to the United States for higher education. He graduated with a Pharmacy degree from the Idaho State University (1975); the M.Div. (Western Seminary, 1997); and the D.Min. Leadership Tract (Gateway, 2018). He was “one of the twelve” who planted the Southbay Chinese Baptist Church (SCBC), San Jose in 1980. He had served as a deacon before he was called to pastor SCBC in 1997 and retired in 2018. He serves on the Chinese Baptist Fellowship’s Church Renewal Team. He married Helen in 1976 and together they have three adult children and three grandchildren. He will be leading the Cantonese Workshop on “Overcoming Obstacles to Growth in the Church”.
唐若愚牧師於香港出生及長大,後來到美國接受高等教育,並於 1975 年畢業於愛達荷州立大學,獲得藥劑學位; 1997 年畢業於Western神學院,獲得道學碩士學位; 2018 年畢業於金門浸會神學院,獲得教牧(領導學)博士學位。 1980 年有12位弟兄姊妹在聖荷西建立南灣華人浸信會 (SCBC),唐牧師亦是其中的一位。1997 年唐若愚牧師被神呼召,成為 SCBC 牧師直至 2018 年退休。他擔任牧師之前曾在教會作執事。他是美加聯會的教會更新團隊成員之一。1976 年他與妻 (Helen)結婚,現共有三名成年子女和三個孫兒女。唐牧師將帶領 “克服教會成長的障礙” 粵語工作坊。

Pastor Abraham Chiu 招世超牧師

Rev. Abraham Chiu is the founding pastor of the Crosspoint Chinese Church of Silicon Valley. An avid church planter that God has used in the last 20 years. Crosspoint began as a church with 60 people and now has 5 campuses in the San Francisco Bay Area. The last church campus started in May this year and has an average of over 100 people in attendance. Rev. Chiu also had experiences in revitalizing 2 churches and helped establish a church in San Diego. He is a former President, a current Administrative Advisor, a member of the Church Renewal Team of the CBF. Pastor Abraham will be leading the Mandarin Workshop on “Overcoming Obstacles to Growth in the Church”
招世超牧師是矽谷匯點華人教會的創會牧師。他是一位熱心植堂的牧者。過去20 年,神使用他讓教會從 60 人開始至現今共植有 5 個分堂分佈於三藩市灣區不同地點。 最新的一間植堂於今年 5 月開始,現在已平均超過 100 人出席聚會。 招牧師也經歷了更新兩間教會,並幫助在聖地亞哥建立另一間教會。他是美加聯會的前會長、現任行政顧間、教會更新團隊成員之一 。招牧師將帶領 “克服教會成長的障礙” 國語工作坊。

Pastor Jeremy Sin 冼志儉牧師

Rev. Jeremy Sin is the Executive Director of the Chinese Baptist Fellowship and the National Church Planting Catalyst of the North American Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. For almost 20 years, he has worked tirelessly in promoting church planting ministries among East Asian communities in the United States and Canada. He is passionate about mobilizing churches to share the gospel and plant churches, and actively seeks and nurtures church planting missionaries and helps churches to identify, recruit, develop and train servant leaders to help churches reproduce themselves. Pastor Jeremy will lead the workshop on “Multiplication Pipeline for Developing Leaders” in Cantonese.
冼志儉牧師是美加華人浸信會聯會總幹事及美南浸信會北美宣教委員會的全國教會植堂催谷幹事。 近 20 年來,他孜孜不倦地在美國和加拿大的東亞社群推動植堂事工。 他熱衷於動員教會傳福音、植堂,積極尋找和栽培植堂宣教士,幫助教會挑選、招募、發展和培訓僕人領袖,幫助教會自我繁衍。冼牧師將帶領 “栽培領袖的倍增管道“ 粵語工作坊。

Pastor Terrence Shay 薛維明牧師

Rev. Terrence Shay is a graduate of UCLA (BA in Economics and Psychology) and the Talbot School of Theology, Biola University (M.Div.) and serves as the Family Ministry Pastor at First Chinese Baptist Church Walnut in Southern California. His family immigrated to the US when he was in 3rd grade where they were introduced to the Gospel through Chinese Baptist Churches. As a result, Pastor Shay believes deeply in the Great Commission purpose of the immigrant church and his passion is to champion the partnership between the Church and Home as the primary contexts for discipleship-making. Pastor Shay is gratefully married to Regina and is a father of three children ages 18, 14, and 9. He is on the Core Team of the English Pastors Fellowship in Southern California and the Asian American Collective of the SBC. Pastor Terrence will lead the Workshop on “Generational Partnership: A Way Forward” in English and translated into Mandarin.
薛維明牧師畢業於加大洛杉磯分校(經濟學和心理學學士)和Biola大學Talbot神學院(道學碩士),是南加州核桃市第一華人浸信會的家庭事工牧師。他與家人移居美國時入讀小學三年級。當年的華人浸信會積極向新移民家庭傳福音,使年少的薜牧師及家人有機會聽聞福音而信主。因此,薛牧師深信教會在新移民中實踐大使命非常重要。薜牧師更有一個異象,就是教會與家庭之間的伙伴關係。他倡導將家庭作為門徒訓練的首個基地,視家人為門訓的對象,家庭本身就是一個門訓的小組,使家庭成員得到造就和成長。 薜牧師與師母(Regina) 結婚,並育有三名孩子,分別是18、14 和 9 歲。薜牧師是南加州英語牧師團契和美南浸信會亞裔團體 (Asian American Collective) 的核心團員。 薛牧師將帶領 “世代同工,携手前行” 英、 國語工作坊。

Charlie Cutler

Charlie is the President of ChurchWest Insurance Services and is driven by his heart to serve faith-based organizations. He is a much sought-after speaker nationally and spends most of his time relating risk management to building the Kingdom. He will be leading the Workshop on “Current Legal Issues Facing California Churches” in English.
Charlie 弟兄是 ChurchWest Insurance Services 的總裁,他全心為宗教組織服務。他是全國性廣受歡迎的講員,他很用心將風險管理與神的國度聯繫起來。Charlie弟兄將帶領“加州教會當前面臨的法律問題”英語工作坊。

Carol McCort

Ms. Carol is an IMB missionary who has served with her husband in Asia for over 25 years and is a facilitator of trauma healing groups in both Mandarin and English languages. She will be leading the workshop on “Healing Heart Wounds – How the Church can Help” in English and Mandarin.
Carol 姊妹是一位國際宣教部的宣教士,她與丈夫在亞洲服務了超過 25 年,並且是創傷治療小組的普通話和英語的導師。Carol姊妹將帶領“醫治心傷 – 教會如何提供帮助” 英、 國語工作坊。