December 21, 2024

Churches Needs

The Church is the Body of Christ. Christ is the head His church. He loves His church and gave Himself for it and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Therefore, He knows about the needs of His Body more than anyone else and He cares for His Body more than anyone ever could. If there is a need in the church, He has His servant ready to serve. It is incumbent then for both the church and His servant to seek the Lord’s calling and for His provision.

The Pastor Search process, if done right, can be an exciting journey for the church as it seeks, waits and experience God’s provision and for the prospective minister as he responds to God’s calling for him.

Here are ministry opportunities that are opened in the church.

洛杉磯國語浸信會國語堂聘請牧師/傳道 位於南加州阿罕布拉市的洛杉磯國語浸信會(MBCLA)徵求一位國語堂牧師/傳道,協助牧養我們的多世代國語堂會眾。 請查看以下職位詳述。如果您對此職位有興趣,請付上一封申請信、內容包括為何申請此職位並您如何符合需要的資格。請將履歷、得救見證和呼召見證一併發送至,收件人:潘武煦執事 Deacon Henry Pan。 瞭解  MBCLA 洛杉磯國語浸信會成立於  1963 年,是一個多世代、多語言的教會,服事國語、英語和粵語的兒童、青少年、和成年人。 洛杉磯國語浸信會職位詳述:國語堂牧師/傳道 主要職責: 與其他國語堂牧師、傳道和平信徒領袖共同合作,並在主任牧師指導下,致力於實現洛杉磯國語浸信會及國語堂的使命。 事工認知: 應有上帝的呼召,在教會中關懷祂的羊群。...
职位 Position: 全职中文牧師 Chinese Minister or Pastor 要求1:认同美南浸信会信仰与信息 2000 ( 要求2:福音派神学院道学/神学硕士或同等神学训练 要求3:  呼召明确, 全心委身, 有讲道, 教导和劝勉的恩赐, 对传福音, 小组事工, 门徒训练,...
568 Ryders Ln, East Brunswick, New Jersey 08816 誠聘中文及英語牧師或傳道 擁有神學院碩士學位 中文牧師能用國粤語講道及英文溝通        有三年北美牧會經驗 具美國永久居留或公民身份 We are seeking an...
路城華人基督教會誠聘全職牧師: §  擁有神學碩士或更高學位, 認同本會信仰 §  流利國語講道,英語溝通 §  公民或具有美國永久居留身份者優先 §  具有兩年以上北美華人教會牧會經驗 (已被按立牧師更佳) Louisville Chinese Christian Church is looking for a full-time pastor: §  Possess a...
誠聘全職中文事工牧師牧養由粵語和普通話會眾組成的中文事工 招募職位:   中文事工牧師 語言:          國語, 粵語, 英語 教會地址:   592 Old Post Rd, Edison, NJ 08817 聯繫人:       教會聘牧委員會...