April 25, 2024

Churches Needs

The Church is the Body of Christ. Christ is the head His church. He loves His church and gave Himself for it and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Therefore, He knows about the needs of His Body more than anyone else and He cares for His Body more than anyone ever could. If there is a need in the church, He has His servant ready to serve. It is incumbent then for both the church and His servant to seek the Lord’s calling and for His provision.

The Pastor Search process, if done right, can be an exciting journey for the church as it seeks, waits and experience God’s provision and for the prospective minister as he responds to God’s calling for him.

Here are ministry opportunities that are opened in the church.

Chinese Baptist Church of Honolulu Revised advertisement 041323 誠聘全職中文牧師 充分認同與實踐美南浸信會信仰與信息2000.       福音派並具備神學學位或認可神學院同等學歷.   擁有合法永久居民身份. 對傳福音,牧養, 教導,裁培,關懷有負擔.       拓展兒童,青少年,成年,及長者事工. 英語流利並熟悉華人及北美文化.    普通話或粵語講道....
Vancouver Chinese Baptist Church 溫哥華華人浸信會(Vancouver Chinese Baptist Church)誠聘專責粵語堂佈道事工(Evangelism Ministry)之全職同工一位。本會的異象是要成為一群活出神旨意的信仰群體,在彼此相愛與合一中委身於塑造耶穌基督真正的門徒。應徵者須持有公認的神學院學位(或相等資格)或實習中的神學生;曾在多員工的教會有事奉經驗;善於以粵語作教導及講道,並在有需要時,能以英語事奉;如懂得國語及具有北美事奉經驗更佳。請將應徵信、履歷、及相關資料電郵至:ccpastorsearch@vcbc.bc.ca