April 18, 2024

Churches Needs

The Church is the Body of Christ. Christ is the head His church. He loves His church and gave Himself for it and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Therefore, He knows about the needs of His Body more than anyone else and He cares for His Body more than anyone ever could. If there is a need in the church, He has His servant ready to serve. It is incumbent then for both the church and His servant to seek the Lord’s calling and for His provision.

The Pastor Search process, if done right, can be an exciting journey for the church as it seeks, waits and experience God’s provision and for the prospective minister as he responds to God’s calling for him.

Here are ministry opportunities that are opened in the church.

路城華人基督教會誠聘全職牧師: §  擁有神學碩士或更高學位, 認同本會信仰 §  流利國語講道,英語溝通 §  公民或具有美國永久居留身份者優先 §  具有兩年以上北美華人教會牧會經驗 (已被按立牧師更佳) Louisville Chinese Christian Church is looking for a full-time pastor: §  Possess a...
誠聘全職中文事工牧師牧養由粵語和普通話會眾組成的中文事工 招募職位:   中文事工牧師 語言:          國語, 粵語, 英語 教會地址:   592 Old Post Rd, Edison, NJ 08817 聯繫人:       教會聘牧委員會...
North Atlanta Chinese Baptist Church 求全职牧师 Pastor Search 持守美南浸信会信仰 福⾳派神学院道学或神学毕业,硕⼠优先 呼召明确,有美好⽣命⻅证 有讲道、教导和劝勉的恩赐,已婚优先 三年以上北美牧会经验优先 国语/普通话讲道, 良好的英语沟通能⼒ 須有綠卡或美籍 请有感动者将个人信仰告白、得救与呼召见证,以及讲道录音发送至...
NWCBC 13130 Perry Road, Houston, Texas 77070 職位: 全職牧師 品格要求:1. 生命反映出聖靈在基督福音裏塑造的品格特徵。2. 勵志成為忠心、良善、有見識的屬靈領袖。 職責需求:1. 具有良好道學碩士裝備及牧養的恩賜,願意加入有形教會美南浸信會(SBC)。2. 在北美有3年以上全職的學習、工作與事奉的經歷 。3. 能流利地使用中文(國語)在口頭與文字上的溝通,具有通常的英文溝通與閱讀能力。4....