September 26-29, 2022
Crosspoint Church of Silicon Valley
658 Gibraltar Ct, Milpitas, CA 95035
Keynote Speaker 主題講員
Dr. David Allen
有著牧者的心懷David Allen 博士是 「講道教練」(Preaching Coach) 和 「亞倫.大衛事工」(David Allen Ministries) 的創始人。 他是德克薩斯州西南浸信會神學院神學系的前傑出講道教授和前喬治·W·特魯特事工主席(George W. Truett Chair of Ministry)。 他也是西南釋經講道中心的前任主任。 在這次會議上,他將主持一個關於 「本文導向講道法」的研討會,並分享這種獨特的講道方法的技巧和他的見解。
A pastor at heart, Dr. Allen is the founder of Preaching Coach and the David Allen Ministries. He was the former Distinguished Professor of Preaching and the former George W. Truett Chair of Ministry in the School of Theology at the Southwestern Baptist Seminary in Texas. He was also the former Director of the Southwestern Center for Expository Preaching. At the Conference, he will also lead a workshop on Text Driven Preaching and will share his skills and insights into this unique approach to preaching.
研討會/工作坊 Workshops
- 以倍增管道來栽培領袖 Multiplication Pipeline for Developing Leaders
- 教會的外展和更新 Outreach and Renewal in the Church
- 文本驅動的講道 Text Driven Preaching
- 應對新常態 Engaging the New Normal
- 世代同工,携手前行 Generational Partnership: A Way Forward
We encourage ministers, deacons, church leaders and members of Chinese Baptist churches to attend. Scholarships available to Baptist Ministers.
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Please register and pay by 7/31/22.
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給教會領袖的信 Letter to Church Leaders (download)
給教會的信 Letter to Churches (download)