October 18, 2024
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Report on Fund Raising for Disaster Relief 籌款賑災- 報告

1 min read

By the grace of God and the love and concern of brothers and sisters in the Chinese Baptist family, we have received a total of $28,117.00 towards the Disaster Relief Fund.
This sum will be distributed to our brothers and sisters and seekers in our Chinese Baptist churches in the Houston area who will not be able to be home for Christmas as a result of Hurricane Harvey. Each of the 38 families will receive $600 as our Christmas Gift for them. One Pastor family will receive $5,000. This week, Pastors and Deacons in their respective churches will make the presentation to each family on behalf of the Chinese Baptist Fellowship of the US and Canada
To each of them, identified by Pastors in their respective churches, we send our love as we stand in solidarity with them in their hour of need. May the Gift of God Himself in Jesus Christ be their peace and portion during this Christmas. God loves them and we love them too!
We thank God for the leaders of the Chinese Baptist Fellowship of Texas in partnering with us in this expression of God’s love and Ministry of Grace.
To those in the churches who have contributed towards the Fund, “Thank you for your gift that keeps on giving through the lives of those who are touched by your love.”
To God be the Glory!

Rev. Amos Lee, Executive Director
December 18 2017

籌款賑災- 報告
藉著神的恩典和華人浸信會家內兄弟姊妹的愛心與關懷,「美加華人浸信會聯會」成立的「賑災基金」共收到 $28,117.00。
這筆款項將分發給休士頓地區因颶風哈維失去家園而無法回家過聖誕之華人浸信會兄弟姊妹和慕道朋友。他們共有38個家庭。每個家庭會收到$600作為聖誕禮物; 有一位牧者的家庭會獲得$5000。各教會的牧者將代表「美加華人浸信會聯會」將款項送給自己教會需要援助的家庭。