October 18, 2024
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Ministry Opportunities

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Montgomery Chinese Baptist Church  馬利蘭蒙郡華人浸信會

12221 Veirs Mill Road, Silver Spring, MD, 20906

Cantonese Senior Pastor
Posted April 19, 2021
Updated April 23, 2021

Monterey Park Chinese Baptist Church

Monterey Park Chinese Baptist Church is seeking a Family and Children Director with a passion to minister to children and reach out to families.
For details about the job description, please click here.
Posted April 13, 2021

Monterey Park Chinese Baptist Church

Monterey Park Chinese Baptist Church is seeking an English Ministry Pastor(ordained) minister(unordained) who has a calling to shepherd the flock, a gifting to preach the Word of God, a heart for the lost, and a passion to make disciples amongst Asian American families, career adults, and youth along with the diverse communities in which we live and serve.
For details about the job description, please click here.
Posted March 27, 2021

Chinese Baptist Church of Coral Springs in South Florida

Chinese Baptist Church of Coral Springs is seeking candidates who are interested in pastoring an English congregation of a trilingual Chinese church in South Florida. The candidate should have an M.Div. from an accredited seminary and a commitment to the doctrinal distinctives of the Southern Baptist Convention and Reformed Theology. Experience in Asian-American ministry is preferred but not required. Please send your resume to search@cbccs.org for additional contact information.

This is a full-time position. The job description will be sent with the church profile after the candidate makes an initial contact.
Church information
Website: cbccs.org
Email: search@cbccs.org
Phone: 954-255-9910
Posted March 12, 2021

活泉華人教會 (美南浸信會會員堂)

誠聘全職主任牧師 (接任退休主任牧師)

  • 具傳福音宣教心志, 對鄰近社區福音工作有負担
  • 監督全教會運作, 並著重中文堂發展
  • 具領導能力帶領教牧團隊。與副牧師緊密合作, 督導辦公室助理, 並向執事會彙報
  • 熱衷於發展培訓年輕一代領導團隊
  • 從認可的福音派神學院畢業
  • 備五年以上北美牧會經驗
  • 具流利粵語及英語溝通能力

有意者請郵寄履歷至 San Bruno Chinese Church, 250 Courtland Dr., San Bruno, CA. 94066
或電郵至 Timhowong@aol.com

San Bruno Chinese Church, a member of the Southern Baptist Convention, is seeking a full time Senior Pastor with a vision of ministering to different age groups and a passion for training up the next generation of leaders as our current pastor is planning to retire.  The Senior Pastor will oversee our whole church operations with emphasis in Chinese congregation.  He will report to our Board of Deacons, work closely with our Associate Pastor and supervise existing staff.  Additional qualifications include exhibiting strengths in pastoral care, graduated from an accredited evangelical seminary, a minimal of 5 years of North American pastoral experience, fluency in Cantonese and English (reading and writing), and familiarity with living in the Bay Area.

Interested applicants please send resume to: San Bruno Chinese Church, 250 Courtland Dr. San Bruno, CA 94066 or email: timhowong@aol.com
Posted Feb 19, 2021

The New Jersey First Chinese Baptist Church of Edison

The New Jersey First Chinese Baptist Church of Edison (NJFCBCOE) is looking for an experienced individual to fill the position of full-time youth pastor. Successful candidate works under the supervision of the Senior Pastor and works along with the pastoral staff and deacon body to oversee, lead and build up all aspects of the Youth & Children ministry, and lead a team of coworkers to fulfill our mission statement.  For more information, please click here.
Posted July 18, 2020

Laguna Chinese Baptist Church 二埠華人浸信會

二埠華人浸信會位于美國北加州糜鹿林市 (Elk Grove, California)、現正尋求一個國語部牧師。以福音及聖經信息為本、牧養國語會衆使其成長。申請人須符合聖經長老資格、有教導和講道恩賜,並清楚神的呼召來事奉。合適人選是已經在福音派神學院、完成道學碩士或同等的神學教育。

Posted July 16, 2020

河濱國語浸信會 Riverside Mandarin Baptist Church

· 有神的呼招,對傳福音、牧養、教導、栽培、關懷有負擔,熟悉華人及北美文化
· 國語講道並能以英語溝通
· 具福音派道學碩士,已婚,牧會二年以上經驗。
Posted May 19, 2020

Brentwood Baptist Church

Brentwood Baptist Church is seeking a full-time Chinese minister. For details about the position, click here.
Posted February 28, 2020



Paul Zhou(周保罗传道).微信:PaulZhou1224
Davis Mill Road,
Germantown, MD 20876
Posted February 20, 2020

Charlotte Chinese Baptist Church

Charlotte Chinese Baptist Church (CCBC) is looking to fill a full-time pastor position for our English congregation. Established in 1990 as a place for Chinese believers in the Charlotte region to meet and worship together, it has since developed into a fully bilingual church with ministries in both Mandarin Chinese and English languages.
CCBC is an elder led congregation. Pastors work together with the board of elders to determine church vision and direction and their implementation. We are looking for a pastor with the following strengths to join our team:

  • Leadership for the English Ministry Council (EMC), direction for purpose and engagement of various ministries, and instructions regarding ministry practices
  • Preaching the word of God to all congregants
  • Systematic biblical teaching for personal and ministerial growth of leadership team
  • Discipleship of leaders, congregants, and new believers for personal development of their relationship and walk with Christ
  • Foster a culture of personal evangelism and outreach within the English congregation to our community

If interested, please send email to pscccbc@gmail.com for further information.
Posted February 11, 2020

Chinese Baptist Church of Central Orange County

請電郵中、英文 履歷及見證各一份 到聘牧委員會 mwspastor@cbccoc.org
詳情參閱 https://cbccoc.org/Job%20Openings/MPostingChi2019.html
Posted October 7, 2019
Updated March 2, 2021

Atlanta Baptist Chinese Church


  • 北美兩年以上全職事奉或多年帶領門徒訓練經驗.
  • 正規福音派神學院畢業.
  • 國語講道,英語溝通,能說粵語尤佳
  • Over two years of full-time ministry in North America or similar years of experience in leading discipleship.
  • A graduate from an evangelical seminary.
  • Able to preach in Mandarin and communicate in English. Preferably able to speak/understand Cantonese.

我們教會有大約70 個成人和 15個青少年/小孩.
We are a congregation of approximately 70 adults and 15 youths/children.


Please send your resume in English and Chinese and a personal testimony to contact person:
Mrs. Estela Yip at atlantabaptistchinesechurch@gmail.com

Atlanta Chinese Baptist Church
3790 Satellite Boulevard, Suite 200
Duluth, GA 30096
Web: www.atlantabaptistchinese.com
Email: atlantabaptistchinesechurch@gmail.com

Posted September 2, 2019
Updated April 23, 2021

Emmanuel Chinese Baptist Church in Overland Park, Kansas

Emmanuel Chinese Baptist Church in Overland Park, Kansas is seeking a Director of Children Ministry. For more details, please click here.
Posted April 2, 2019

Bethel Chinese Baptist Church in Texas

1. 至少有五年的牧會經驗
2. 具北美福音派神學院道學碩士學位
3. 福音派信仰,浸信會背景尤佳
4. 已婚
5. 國語講道,良好英語溝通及主持會議能力

Bethel Chinese Baptist Church in Texas is seeking a full-time pastor to minister to our congregation. We are a church of about 20 young families regularly worshiping God every Sunday.
1. At least five years of pastoral experience.
2. Graduated from a US evangelical theological seminary with an M Div degree.
3. Denomination: From evangelical background; Baptist preferable.
4. Married.
5. Preaches in Mandarin. Able to communicate and lead meetings fluently in English.

聯繫人 Contact:
聘牧委員會 Pastor Search Committee / Christie Chen
Email: bethelcbc@hotmail.com
Bethel Chinese Baptist Church
3512 Highway 121, Bedford, TX 76021
Posted April 2, 2019

Victory Baptist Chinese Church of Rochester

– 清楚蒙召、全心委身、敬虔品格、牧者心肠
– 认同持守美南浸信会信仰立场
– 福音派神学院装备,硕士以上学位更好
– 国语讲道,英语交流

Sincerely seeks a full time Chinese Pastor / Minister, who:
– Has a clear calling and full dedication to the ministry, with godly character and a pastor’s heart.
– Upholds the faith and doctrines of a Southern Baptist church.
– Is equipped at an evangelical theological seminary; Master’s degree or above preferred.
– Preaches in Mandarin. Able to communicate in English.

聯繫人 Contact:
聘牧委員會 Pastor Search Committee/ Mitchell Lin
Telephone:(585) 820-0323
Email: vbccr.psc@gmail.com
285 East Henrietta Road
Rochester, NY 14620
Posted December 6, 2018

Community Baptist Church of San Jose

Position: 國語堂傳道/牧師

1. 具道學碩士學位
2. 認同美南浸會信仰宣言及浸會背景尤隹
3. 牧養北美國語堂教會三年以上經驗
4. 善於拓展職青及家庭事工
5. 流利國語講道及美語溝通

Please send your personal particulars to:
Mrs. Kathy Lo
Community Baptist Church of San Jose
2215 Curtner Ave.
Campbell, CA 95008
United States
Email: kathylo-2009@sbcglobal.net
Website: www.cbcsj.org
Posted August 20, 2018
Updated March 2, 2021

Oklahoma City Chinese Baptist Church

Full-time Senior Pastor 全職主任牧師

奧 城 華 人 浸 信 會 正 在 尋 聘 全 職 主 任 牧 師 。根 據 本 教 會 內 部 尋 牧 意 見 調 查 結 果 和 教 會 成 長 歷 史 等 各 種 因 素,歸 納 對 未 來 牧 者 的 期 望 如 下 :
1. 浸 信 會 信 仰
2. 有 講 道 與 教 導 的 恩 賜
3. 重 視 佈 道 傳 福 音, 會 牧 關 懷 探 訪 以 及 門 徒 培 養
4. 神 學 院 畢 業 , 有 至 少 兩 年 教 會 全 職 事 奉 經 驗
5. 能 使 用 國 語 講 道 , 並 具 有 良 好 英 語 溝 通 能 力

敬 請 應 尋 的 牧 者 在 2018年10月31日 前, 將 下 述 申 請 材 料 郵 寄 或 電 郵 給 教 會 的 聯 係 人 。
1. 個 人 簡 歷
2. 信 主 和 蒙 召 ( 為 全 職 牧 者 ) 的 個 人 見 證
3. 三 封 推 薦 信
4. 講 台 證 道 的 録 音 (audio) 和 / 或 錄 影 (video) 電 子 材 料 檔 或 鏈 結
5. 其 它 有 助 於 了 解 應 尋 牧 者 的 輔 助 材 料

The Oklahoma City Chinese Baptist Church is in search of a full-time senior pastor who fulfills the following qualifications and expectations from its congregation:
1. Baptist faith
2. Gifts in preaching and teaching
3. A strong commitment to evangelism, pastoral nurturing and visitation, and discipleship training
4. Graduate of an accredited seminary, with at least two years of full-time church ministry experience
5. Be able to preach fluently in Mandarin and communicate adequately in English

Interested applicants should submit the documents and information as requested below by mail or email no later than October 31, 2018.
1. A personal resume
2. A written testimony of your own born-again experience and of the divine calling to the full-time Christian ministry
3. Three letters of recommendation
4. Digital copies of or links to audio and/or video files of preached sermons
5. Other supplemental material and information you would like us to have and know about

聯 係 人 Contact Information:
Dr. Xiqin Ding (丁錫琴)
541 Celtic Ct., Edmond, OK 73025
Tel: (405) 348-7825
Email: xdingedmond@gmail.com
Posted July 26, 2018

Chinese Chrisitan Church of Greater Albany


本教會華語堂人數約 120 人,英文堂人數約60 人,8 個中文團契,3 個英文契。華語部牧師職責為:牧養華語會眾,藉著提供講道、教導、計畫、傳福音、關懷及輔導,來帶領會眾成長, 並能與教會同工團隊配搭服事。資格為:清楚呼召,純正的信仰,有三年以上牧會的經驗,有學生事工的經驗,可以用英文溝通,有認可的神學院學位(在特殊情況下,聘牧委員會可以考慮無神學院學位者)。已婚、具兩年以上北美社會工作經驗、或通粵語者更佳。

Posted May 30 2018

Alta Loma Community Baptist Church


– 認同美南浸信會信仰,三年以上北美牧會經驗
– 道學碩士或同等學歷
– 中英文溝通,國語講道,已婚/有家庭(優先考慮)
– 聯繋人:黃瑞西牧師
Email: barnabash@yahoo.com
8336 La Senda Rd. Alta Loma, CA 91701
Posted May 21, 2018

Calvary Baptist Church, Guelph, Ontario, Canada


贵湖浸信会华人福音堂,简称贵湖浸信会,成立于 2003年9月。其母教会 Calvary Baptist Church 已有 84 年的历史。 感谢神一路的带领和祝福,教会从最初的 30几人发展到今天超过 500 多人的大家庭。随着教会的发展,我们需要诚聘一位Associate牧师。具体要求,请到 www.christiancharityjobs.ca 查询  “Associate Pastor of Mandarin Ministries” 。若要更多了解贵湖浸信会,也欢迎查阅我们的网站:www.guelphcbc.com
Posted May 17, 2018

Vancouver Chinese Baptist Church

溫哥華華人浸信會(Vancouver Chinese Baptist Church)誠聘專責粵語堂佈道事工(Evangelism Ministry)之全職同工一位。本會的異象是要成為一群活出神旨意的信仰群體,在彼此相愛與合一中委身於塑造耶穌基督真正的門徒。應徵者須持有公認的神學院學位(或相等資格)或實習中的神學生;曾在多員工的教會有事奉經驗;善於以粵語作教導及講道,並在有需要時,能以英語事奉;如懂得國語及具有北美事奉經驗更佳。請將應徵信、履歷、及相關資料電郵至:ccpastorsearch@vcbc.bc.ca
Reposted: January 16, 2018
Updated March 2, 2021