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支援師母事工 Ministry to Wives of Ministers

2 min read

CBF recognizes the sacrifices that wives make in order that their minister husbands are able to fulfill the calling God has for them in the church. Some of them are home makers but many of them have careers of their own and yet they are supportive of their husbands in carrying their share of the min­istry load be it in the different areas of ministry, visitation, caring, counseling and the list goes on.
They serve as “tag along” ministers who have no job description and yet there are unspoken expectations that come with being “the wife”. Invariably, they are sometimes the ones who are the least appreciated and affirmed. But they are the most important and indis­pensable partner for a minister. CBF seeks to minister to this group of partners in ministry for our ministers and we have created a Supporting Ministry that seeks to reach out to Pastors/Ministers and to their wives.
The Supporting Ministry to Wives of Ministers is headed by Mrs. Sarah Chiu of Milpitas, CA. and Mrs. Kate Leong of Houston, TX. Their plan is to host periodic gatherings of wives of ministers regionally to provide mutual support and encouragement among them. They are in the process of raising funds to pay for such gatherings. For more informa on, please contact: Sarah Chiu ( or Kate Leong (
Praise God for the gathering of 24 wives of ministers in the San Francisco Bay Area on December 16 2017. It was a great time of connecting, mutual encouragement and support over High Tea. The ladies enjoyed it immensely. Please click here to read report and view pictures.
「美加華人浸信會聯會」明白到傳道人的配偶往往作出很大的犧牲來幫助作為傳道人的丈夫完成神在他們身上的召命和服侍。這些傳道人配偶中,有些是家庭主婦。但有更多是有自己的事業,亦需同時支持丈夫在教會的事奉。她們在各個領域的事工上積極地分擔和參與。例如: 兒童、青年和成人事工,探訪,關懐和輔導等。還有其他方面的服侍,不能盡述。
為 12月16日在三藩市湾區舉行的聚會感恩。有二十四位師母參加這次的荼聚 (High Tea) 。請點擊閱讀這次活動的報道。
Chinese Baptists