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Etiquette for Online Worship

1 min read

Rev. Peter Leong

1. Designated a place in your home to participate in worship.
2. Devote the time to worship and do nothing else.
3. If possible, invite members of your own family to worship together with you.
4. Be careful to dress appropriately for worship.
5. Participate in the entire worship by singing the hymns/songs, praying, reading scripture, giving of your tithes and offering, listening to the preached word, being attentive to the announcements and family sharing, and receiving the benediction.
6. Do not eat or drink during the worship.
7. When the worship is over, take time to contact 7 other people that you have not regularly been in touch with to “visit” and to pray with them.
8. Place the offering you usually give to the church in your personalized offering envelope each week and keep it until we resume “Reality” Worship.
9. Give your feedback about the quality and effects of the weekly broadcast of the worship through social media. This will help to make the worship a better experience for all.

Rev. Peter Leong is the Pastor Advisor of the Grace Chinese Baptist Church, Sugarland, Texas, a former President and Advisor of the Chinese Baptist Fellowship of the US and Canada.



  1. 設定一個專屬敬拜的地方。
  2. 撥出時間參加崇拜…,除了敬拜不作其他事務、
  3. 若可以、請安排與家人一同敬拜。
  4. 注意穿著端正的衣裝。
  5. 充分配合參與崇拜、唱詩、禱告、看聖經、奉獻、聆聽講道、 關心家事分享、領受祝福。
  6. 敬拜中,不要吃喝。
  7. 崇拜後,找時間與七位平時少接觸的恩浸人致候、問安和禱告。
  8. 每禮拜的奉獻放在奉獻封,等待教會恢復崇拜時,一併奉獻。
  9. 請將收聽的效果告訴教牧同工和會務委員會同工,以便改進。
Chinese Baptists