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Frequently Asked Questions FAQ 常問問題

11 min read

Updated 7/8/2018

Which AIRPORT should I use? When should I ARRIVE? What about TRANSPORTATION to Ship?

We recommend that you fly into Long Beach (LGB). We will arrange for ride-share to the Cruise Terminal from LGB. Alternately, you may fly into Los Angeles International (LAX). Take the Flyaway Coach to Long Beach Bus Terminal from LAX. The fare is about USD$10 per person. We will pick you up and bring you to the Cruise Terminal. We will have our representatives to direct you at both LGB and LAX. Arrive at either airport by 12 noon on day of the cruise.

Three Easy Steps to Register for the Conference Online @

1. Click on the “20th Biennial Conference” button on the Homepage. Fill in your name and email address. Submit the Form. You will receive an invitation to register online.

2. Click on the link provided in your email. Fill in as much info as you can and follow the link in the form to book your accommodation on the cruise ship. Submit the Registration Form. A personal link to your Registration Form will be sent to you and you can always go back to update your information.

3. Send in your check for the Conference registration to your country CBF address or pay by Zelle through your bank. Make the deposit to CBF via:

Alternately, you may send in the hard copy of the Registration Form with payment sent by snail mail.

Please note that you have not registered for the Conference unless you have booked for the cruise as well.

How soon should I BOOK FOR THE CRUISE? What about COST? Is there a DEADLINE for Registration? What if I come alone?

Your accommodation for the Conference is on board the cruise ship, “Carnival Inspiration”. Book the Cruise as soon as you can. Cost of the Cruise is from USD$224 and up plus fees and taxes but as it gets closer to the sail date, the more expensive it becomes. If you can get a better price for the same cruise on the same dates, iCruise, our booking agent, will match it. Call Roxanne Martin at (561) 288-8251 and she will assist you. There is no deadline for booking. Most rooms are double occupancy. If you come alone, find a roommate to room with you. Or, we can help you find a roommate. Contact us early at 626-297-7156 or 415-309-2039.  Your registration at the Conference is not complete unless you have also booked for the cruise.

Is DAY CARE Provided?

The ship provides day care and daily programs for children ages 2-5, but we will also provide supplemental biblical content for our children.

If I DRIVE TO LONG BEACH Cruise Terminal, where should I PARK my vehicle?

There is park-for-a-fee parking for vehicles at the Cruise Terminal or in Garages near there at Long Beach. Check that out online and make your reservation.

What about REGISTRATION FEES? How much should I pay?

All attendees, 18 years and older, pay a USD $30 or CAD $30 per person Registration Fee. This Fee for minors under 18 years old is waived. Send a check payable to “CBF” for the amount to your country address by snail mail. Alternately, you may send the fee by Zelle through your bank. Address the deposit to CBF via:

What SCHOLARSHIPS are available? How do I apply?

Praise God! Through the generosity of the Baptist family, the following are available:

1. Limited scholarships for ministers serving in Baptist churches @ USD $150 per family.

2. To encourage Baptist ministers from eastern Canada and other parts of the US (except West Coast) to attend, we will provide limited additional scholarships of up to USD/CAD $150 per family for airfare for those coming beyond 1,000 miles east of Los Angeles.

3. To encourage full time Baptist ministers serving in the English ministry to attend, we are also providing limited additional scholarships of USD $150 per family.

Just check the appropriate boxes on the Registration Form. All CBF scholarships are paid after the end of the Conference.

What is the SCHEDULE ON BOARD like? When should I BOARD or DISEMBARK?

All meetings of the Conference will be held on board the Carnival Inspiration from Tuesday (9/25) through Thursday (9/27). We start each morning at 8 a.m. when we will have a brief time of worship before we have the Keynote Speaker session. This will end at 9:30 a.m. On Thursday (9/27) which is an At Sea Day, we will have Business Sessions and Workshop Sessions all day. One of the purposes of the Conference is for you to be able to take what you have learned home to strengthen your ministry. Despite the tight schedule, you will still be able to do touristy things when the Ship docks at Catalina Island and Ensenada.

If you are planning to do some onshore tours on Catalina Island (9/25) and Ensenada (9/26), please book those tours that depart after 10:15 a.m. which is after the Keynote Speaker Session for those days.

Plan to arrive at the Cruise Terminal by 3 pm on Monday (9/24) to check into the Ship, pick up your identification tag and go through customs and immigration. Ship leaves the Cruise Terminal at 6:30 pm. Plan to have lunch on the Ship that day if you can.

The Ship will dock back at the Cruise Terminal at Long Beach, 7 am September 28. Passengers will wait their turn to disembark. If you have a plane to catch, book a flight that departs in the afternoon or late evening.


Dr. Daniel Block is a Canadian American Old Testament scholar and is Gunther H. Knoedler Professor of Old Testament at Wheaton College in Wheaton, IL. He previously taught at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY. as the John R. Sampey Professor of Old Testament Interpretation. He is prolific writer having authored or edited many books. Block’s two-volume commentary on the Book of Ezekiel is a standard in Old Testament scholarship. His greatest delight is to see students passionate about the Old Testament and to preach and teach from it.


Deacon Sau Wing Lam was born in Hong Kong to a Christian family. He received Christ at 12 and at 17, came to study at UC Berkeley where he graduated with an MBA. At 38, he became CEO of the United Commercial Bank and got it listed in the NYSE and became its Chairman as well. At 45 he took early retirement and devoted his life to the Christian ministry as a volunteer. The last 20 years, he has helped countless Chinese listeners daily on financial issues on his live radio programs in New York, the Bay Area and Southern Cal and through emails. He has also provided free financial advice to ministers and churches as well. He is the Financial Advisor of the Chinese Baptist Fellowship and serves on a volunteer basis.


Rev. Ting Y Leung was born in Hong Kong in 1962. He accepted Christ after high school graduation. He then started his Christian journey at Sha Tin Baptist and was baptized as a member in 1980. In 1981, he left Hong Kong and came to the US for college and graduate school education, majoring in Special Education. After receiving his Master of Education degree, the Lord called him to the vocational ministry. He enrolled at the Golden Gate Baptist Seminary, Mill Valley. After his M.Div. graduation in 1988, he returned to Hong Kong and served at his mother church for 27 years. In 1993, he graduated with a D.Min. from the Golden Gate Baptist Seminary. During his tenure, the Shatin Church grew from around 100 to 5,000 members in 6 campuses, producing numerous lay leaders, full time ministers and missionaries for His Kingdom. Besides his pastoral experience in Hong Kong, Pastor Leung had also served in two different Baptist churches in San Francis-co for a total of 6 years. In 2014, he and his family moved back to the US and he is currently the Associate Senior Pastor of Crosspoint Church of Silicon Valley. His areas of specialty include ministry development, staff management, church equipping system as well as leadership succession.

How do I prepare myself for this Conference?

Even though the Conference is held on a cruise ship, the Conference itself is a spiritual experience and we would encourage you to be prayerfully prepared for the journey.  Pray for yourself that you will be teachable and come with a desire to see how God is speaking to you in everything that you encounter on board or even before you board. Pray for fellow participants that the bond of Christian fellowship will be strengthened for the glory of God.  Pray for the speakers and the workshop leaders as they teach us and share with us.  Pray for the business sessions of the CBF that we might see the heart of God in all that we do.

In order to be prepared for the Keynote Speaker Sessions, go to this link:

to watch Dr. Daniel Block relate why we should study the Book of Ezekiel.  It would be well for you to have read the Book of Ezekiel before you come.


Everyone must have a Passport that is valid at least 6 months before the date of travel in order to travel.  If you are a US Passport holder, you do not need a visa to enter Mexico. If you are a foreign national or a resident alien of the US, please check with immigration if your status allows you to travel outside the country and re-enter without issues. You are deemed to have left the country once you board.

For Chinese Passport holders with US PR status, you do not need a visa to enter Mexico but you need the original “Green Card” with you to clear Mexican immigration.

What if I want to STAY BEFORE or AFTER the Conference?

You will have to make your own arrangements but we can give you some recommendations. Let us know how we may be of help.

If you are a pastor and is available to preach on the Sundays before or after the Conference, we would try our best to make arrangements to make this ministry opportunity happen. Please let us know well ahead of time.

Would I have FREE TIME to mix around?

We expect about 200 people to attend this Conference. You are free to mix around, establish new net-workings and meet up with old fellow yokefellows in the Lord. You may even sign up for a free consultation on your personal finances or your church finances. We expect groups to form spontaneously and natural bonding to take place. You will have a feast in more ways than one.

常問問題解答 (最新)

我應該用哪個機場最方便? 如何到達遊輪碼頭?

你可用Long Beach (LGB) 機場或洛杉磯國際機場(LAX)。 LAX 是從美國、加拿大各地最多班機到達的機場。請諮詢你常用的航空公司。上船的當日你必須在中午12時前到達 LGB 或LAX 機場。到達LAX 機場後在機場外乘榙機場專用Flyaway客車(大巴)直通Long Beach 客車總站。車費約10元正。 請你盡早給我們知到你的行程以便我們安排你適合的車載。


1. 接駁互聯網 點擊網站「第20屆美加華人浸聯會大會」。 電腦螢幕顯示一頁,請輸入詢問你的姓名和電郵地址,然後點擊提交。 你會收到來自「美加華浸聯會」的電子郵件,邀請你在網上報名參加。

2. 點擊電郵所提供的鏈接網址,該網址顯示大會的「電子報名表」。請盡量提供相關資料,包括預訂遊輪。填妥報名表及點擊提交後,你將會獲得你個人的鏈接網址。你可以隨時點擊這網址,返回你的報名表上更新你的個人資料。

3. 將你付款的支票寄給在你國家的「美加華浸聯會」地址。或用銀行的轉脹Zelle系統匯款「美加華浸」。


如何預訂遊輪旅程? 費用多少? 何時截止日期? 若我單獨一人參加、怎樣辦理?

大會的住宿就是在遊輪 Carnival Inspiration號上。 所以你必需盡早報名參加遊輪旅程。 每人費用由美金約224元起但要加上稅及其他費用。遲報名,價錢會越貴。如果您在同一航線找到更便宜的價錢,我們的iCruise代理商將會配對 (match the price)。 請與Roxanne Martin (561) 288-8251 聯絡。 價錢以雙人房計算。若你是單獨參加大會,你必需找一位同房。有需要時,大會也可以幫你找一位,但你需要盡早與我們聯絡。 聯絡電話:626-297-7156或 415-309-2039。 大會報名沒有截止日期的。除非你已預訂遊輪旅程, 否則你參加大會報名程序尚未完成。


船公司供應兩歲至五歲兒童服務和節目。 大會會加以補充聖經內容。




18歲以上的參加者交付美金或加幣30元。 18歲以下免收。 請將你的報名費郵寄給在你國家美加華浸聯會地址。支票抬頭寫 “CBF”。 另外, 你也可用你銀行的 Zelle 轉脹系統,存入「美加華浸」銀行戶口經Sylvia.chan@cbfusacanada,org。

大會有甚麼助學金或其他支援? 如何申請?

感謝神! 因弟兄姊妹的支持奉獻、大會設立助學金來鼓勵更多浸信會的教牧同工參加這次的會議、如下:

1. 名額有限的助學金每單立美金 150元。 以家庭為單位、先到先得。

2. 為要鼓勵更多從加東及美國其他地方的教牧同工參加、名額有限,以每單位美金/加幣150元機票支助。 範圍為羅省以東1000里以外的地方。以家庭為單位、先到先得。

3. 為要鼓勵更多全職英語事奉的教牧同工參加、名額有限, 以每單位美金150元的額外助學金。 以家庭為單位、先到先得。

請點擊或鈎報名表的小方格申請。 助學金和其他的支助將會在大會結朿後支付。

大會時間表是怎樣的? 何時上船? 大會結束後、遊輪何時反回碼頭?

大會全部的會議都在「嘉年華啓發號」輪上舉行。星期一 (9月24日):登船;星期二 (9月25日):大半天聚會(At Sea);星期三(9月26日):早上聚會; 星期四(9月27日):早上聚會。 大會其中的目標是讓同工們可以將所學到的帶回去、帮助他/她們在教會的事奉。雖然時間緊湊你會有足夠的時間觀光。
鼓勵你登船當日(9月24日 )下午一時前、到達遊輪碼頭辦理登船、過海關及出境手續。遊輪將會下午五時正出發。也可、進食遊輪上的「免費」當日遊輪有免費午餐供應。
遊輪將會在星期五( 9月28日 )早上七時正停泊碼頭。隨即你可輪隊上岸。若你計劃當日回程、請你定回程機票時間在下午或傍晚。


即使會議是在遊輪上舉行,會議本身也是你人生一個屬靈體驗,我們鼓勵您為旅程做好準備。 為自己禱告,有謙卑受教的心,並希望看到上帝在你學習到的功課,與你說話。 為同伴們禱告,為榮耀基督加強基督徒之間團契的聯繫禱告。 為講員和研討會領導者禱告。 為聯會的事宜會議禱告,讓我們可以在我們所做的一切中看到上帝的心意。


觀看博達理博士,給你了解為什麼要學習以西結書。 在你參加大會之先、請閱讀以西結書。


博達理博士是美藉加拿大人,也是一位研究舊約的學者。他是伊利諾州Wheaton College的Gunther H Knoedler Professor of Old Testament教授。他曾在美南浸信會神學院任教, 任職 John R Sampey Professor of Old Testament Interpretation。博博士也是一位作家,撰寫和偏輯的書共有多本。他的兩冊「以西結書」是舊約學術界中的標準。他最大的快樂就是看到他學生們對舊約的熱忱,並將舊約宣講出來和作教導的工作。

「財務規劃」 工作坊的講員是誰?

林修榮執事在香港一個基督徒家庭長大,12歲信主,17歲從香港來美國留學,獲得UC Berkeley商科碩士學位,38歲成為聯合銀行總裁,帶領銀行成為上市公司後兼任董事會主席。45歲時林執事蒙神帶領提前退休,離開商業社會,此後20年都是以義務身份全時間服務社區,藉此向未信者傳福音。20年來他每星期透過5個粵語電台現場節目,為紐約、北加州和南加州華人解答個人理財問題,也透過電郵為所有華人解答理財問題,和輔導有特殊需要的家庭。他也特別關心傳道人及教會的財務問題而給他們多方面的指導。近年林執事專心鑽研聖經末世預言,並在過去三年帶領跨教會的查經聚會,目前正查考以西結書。林執事是美加華浸的義務財務顧問。


梁廷益牧師 1962年生於香港。中學會考後決志。之後在沙田浸信會參加聚會及在1980年受浸成為會友。1981年來到美國接受大學及研究院碩士教育,主修特殊教育。完成碩士學位後,蒙召進入加州金門浸信會神學院。1988年道學碩士畢業後,隨即回香港母會事奉達廿七年,期間於1993年獲金門神學院教牧學博士。在梁牧師領導下,沙浸不但由百多人增長至五千人聚會,受薪同工超過一百人,更由本身培訓系統培育出大量組長、教牧及宣教士,現今已發展至六個堂所。梁牧師也曾於三藩市兩間浸信會先後牧會各三年,2014年中,梁牧師與家人回流美國,定居美國聖荷西南部。現為矽谷匯點教會副主任牧師,專責事工及同工發展。梁牧師於事工發展、同工管理、教會培訓、領袖傳承等等領域均具豐富經驗。


你需要有效的護照才能出國旅行和登船。 你的護照需要在出國旅行日期至少6個月前有效。 如果你是居住在美國的外籍人士,請向移民局核實你的身份是否允許你出國旅行後而順利入境。 當你登上遊輪的時候,你被認為已經離開了美國。

持有中國護照者不須要墨西哥簽證入境、若你擁有美國居留權 (Green Card)。你必須攜帶 Green Card 入境。




大會預計約有 200名弟兄姊妹參加這次的雙年會。你在輪上將會有很多機會與來自美加不同地方的同道人,一同交流彼此認識相聚。你亦可以參加免費個人理財或教會財務的問題諮詢。你也可以發現,當中有你所同感同受的弟兄姊妹,與他們一同分享。


Chinese Baptists