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美加華人浸信會聯會宣佈新任總幹事李英柏牧師正式上任CBF USA Canada announces the appointment of new Executive Director, Rev. Amos Lee

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李英柏牧師出生於馬來西亞,在青少年時期歸信於主耶穌基督,受浸加入 Petaling Jaya第一浸信㑹 (現稱為 Pantai Baptist Church)。1974 年,他畢業於「香港浸會學院」(現稱為「香港浸㑹大學」),獲得社會學文憑。之後在肯塔基州,路易斯維(Louisville)市, 他就讀「南方浸信會神學院」,並於 1977 年獲得道學碩士 (M.Div.) 及 1982 年獲得哲學博士(Ph.D.)學位。他也曾在「香港浸信㑹神學院」修讀,及在康涅狄格州,Hartford 神學院的 MacDonald Center for Christian Muslim Relations 研究伊斯蘭教。

他在肯塔基州,路易斯維爾市的 Deer Park Baptist Church 被按立為執事,並在馬來西亞「太平浸信會」被按立為牧師。

在 1982 至 1994 年期間,他曾在馬來西亞多間的浸信教會事奉,並同時期擔任「馬來西亞浸信會神學院」的講師、教務長和院長之事奉職務。

他也曾在多個浸信㑹和基督教團體不同崗位事奉,包括: 馬來西亞浸信會聯㑹、香港浸信會聯㑹、北加 州華人浸信會區聯㑹、美加華人浸信會聯㑹、中國信徒佈道會、三藩市基督教聯㑹及中國神學研究院之三藩市區委會。

他在「三藩市華人自立浸信會」擔任主任牧師,超過 21 年,並在 2016 年年底退休。

他與黃婉華姊妹結婚 43 年,並有一成年的兒子,耀基。

We thank God for His guidance that after praying and searching for one year, the Executive Committee of the Chinese Baptist Fellowship of the United State and Canada now gladly announce that Rev. Amos Lee is our new Executive Director starting September 1st, 2017!

Rev. Amos Lee was born in Malaysia and became a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ when he was a teenager. He was baptized into the fellowship of the First Baptist Church, Petaling Jaya (now, Pantai Baptist Church). He was graduated with a Diploma in Sociology (1974) from the Hong Kong Baptist College (now, Hong Kong Baptist University), the M.Div. (1977) and the Ph.D. (1982) from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. He had also studied at the Hong Kong Baptist Seminary and a student of Islam at the MacDonald Center for Christian Muslim Relations at Hartford Seminary in Hartford, Connecticut.

He was an ordained Deacon of the Deer Park Baptist Church in Louisville, Kentucky and was ordained to the Gospel Ministry at the Taiping Baptist Church in Malaysia.

Rev. Lee had served churches in Malaysia from 1982 through 1994 while serving as lecturer, Dean of Studies and President of the Malaysia Baptist Theological Seminary.

He had also previously served in the Malaysia Baptist Convention, the Convention of Hong Kong Baptist Churches, the Northern California Chinese Baptist Association, the Chinese Baptist Fellowship of the US and Canada, the Chinese Christian Mission and the Chinese Christian Union of San Francisco in various capacities. He was a member of the San Francisco Regional Council of the China Graduate School of Theology.

Rev. Lee retired as Senior Pastor of the Chinese Independent Baptist Church San Francisco at the end of 2016 after having served there for more than 21 years.

He is married to Ruth for 43 years and they have an adult son, Yew Kee.

Chinese Baptists