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Wives and Ministers Gathered in Vancouver, Canada

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Wives and Ministers Gathered in Vancouver, Canada

A gathering of ministers and their wives was held in Vancouver over dinner on January 15 2018.  It was hosted by Rev. and Mrs. Abraham Chiu.  Rev. Chiu was the past President of the CBF while Mrs. Chiu is co-head of the Ministry to Wives of Ministers Support Group.  The purpose of the gathering  was to promote the 20th Biennial Conference, to pull together Chinese Baptist pastors from the different churches and to promote the Ministry to Wives of Ministers.  At the meeting Pastor Abraham shared about his ministry experience at Crosspoint Church in the San Francisco Bay Area.

The group of 14 had a great time connecting one with another, getting to know each other better and encouraging one another. Deacon Jady Lo, a member of the Executive Committee of the CBF also attended.  At the end of the evening, it was everyone’s hope that more of such opportunity be had more often.

The wives, in the meantime, look forward to a gathering just for them at the 20th Biennial Conference on board the cruise ship “Carnival Inspiration” sailing from Long Beach California to Ensenada Mexico from September 24-28 2018. Many have indicated their interest in attending.

For more details about the Conference and Registration information, please CLICK here.



2018年1月15日,一眾牧師及他們的賢內助在加拿大溫哥華聚首一堂。這次聚會是由招世超牧師及招師母主持。招世超牧師是「美加華人浸信會聯會」前任主席,而招師母是「支援傳道人配偶事工」之支援小組聯席負責人。這次的聚會有三個目的: 分享有關第20屆「美加華人浸聯會年議會亅; 讓從不同浸信教會的傳道人有機會同聚一起; 及令師母牧師們開始留意有師母關怌事工的存在和需要。當中招牧師也分享他在三藩市灣區匯點教會牧㑹的經历。

這聚會中的十四人彼此愉快地交流,相互了解,互相鼓勵。此外,「美加華人浸信會聯會」的執行委員會成員盧余玉梅執事也有出席。 到旁晚,聚䬸結束的時候,每個人都希望以後有更多這樣的機會,一起聚集,彼此支援。

此刻,師母們期待著在2018年9月24日至28日期間,在每兩年舉行一次的年議㑹, 再次重聚。這次第20屆「美加華人浸聯會年議會亅將會在「嘉年華靈感號」(Carnival Inspiration) 遊輪上舉行。屆時,參加者將乘坐遊輪從加州的Long Beach前往墨西哥Ensenada。她們中許多位師母都表示有興趣參加。

Chinese Baptists