October 18, 2024
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總幹事李英柏牧師致德卅華人浸信會同工的信A letter sent to the Chinese Baptist Pastors and Churches in the State of Texas from the Executive Director Rev. Amos Lee

2 min read

關心問候 Greetings from the CBF of the US and Canada

本人是剛接任美加華人浸聯會總幹事, 李英柏牧師 , 問候共負一軛的主內德州同工們平安。 也帶來全 美國, 加拿大聯會眾弟兄姊妹的關心和問候。

本意我是希望能親身探望您們, 共赴時艱; 可現在由於災情嚴重, 交通阻塞, 受勸阻後定意不給您們添亂。 等諸事稍妥, 交通恢復, 定當前來與各同工會面。

美加華浸眾教會大家庭, 聯會各人和我都懇切為您們禱告, 並願意支持您們並教會眾人在克難, 重建的 奮鬥中的努力; 尋求認識關於這場「哈維」颱風、豪雨所帶來災難的意義。

我知道德州有許多機構已正進行了很好的救災援助; 美加華浸聯會不想重複擾亂, 我們祇想知道與 教會有關的慕道者、 弟兄姊妹、 傳道同工、甚至牧師, 例如一些跌傷、高危一族等種種需要。 請讓 「美加」 與您們一起同工, 在他們最需要的時候, 因您們服事的「善工」– 奉主耶穌的名 「一杯熱茶給天寒水濕的 小子喝」 而讚美神。

願榮耀歸給神, 願藉今次的困境使愛和福音的種子發芽結實。

Dear Fellow Yokefellows in the Lord in Texas,

This is Amos Lee, the new Executive Director of the Chinese Baptist Fellowship of the US and Canada (CBF).

Greetings to you from the Fellowship.

I had hoped to come and visit you all but was advised against it for now because of inaccessibility. I certainly do not want to be a burden to you during such trying times. But I will come when the area becomes more accessible.

Please be assured of my prayers and that of the rest of the CBF family. We stand with you and your flock as you all struggle to rebuild and find hope and meaning in the midst of ruins because of the devastations brought about by Hurricane Harvey.

CBF is looking for ways to meet the needs of those affected that do not duplicate what other relief agencies are already doing so well. Do give us some ideas, especially for those who fall through the cracks and specific vulnerable people. So, help us to minister with you during this time of need and I praise God for the “good work” you are doing by serving “a cup of hot tea in a cold and wet place” in the name of Jesus. All Glory to God! May the seeds of love and the Gospel so planted in their hearts will bear fruit for God in His time.

Have a great weekend in worship and service this Labor Day weekend.

Pastor Amos