October 18, 2024
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聯手禱告 Prayer Link 12-4-2017

3 min read

Prayer is a responsibility and a privilege of every Christian. Through prayer, we can bring our heart’s desires to the Throne of Grace and He hears us! We have posted here some of the ministry concerns of the Chinese Baptist Fellowship and the larger Chinese Baptist family so that we might pray together and seek God’s face.

  1. Pray for preparation of the 20th Biennial Conference, September 24-28, 2018
    1. Pray for the Local Planning Committee as they make plans for the Conference.
    2. Pray for the Conference that would be held on board the “Carnival Inspiration” sailing from Long Beach California to Ensenada, Mexico. Pray for a great time of connecting, learning and fellowshipping.
    3. Pray for the participants who come will have a teachable heart to learn and to grow in their knowledge of God and to grow in Him through ministry.
    4. Pray for the registration process that it would be user friendly. More information on the registration for the accommodation on the ship could be accessed here: https://www.icruise.com/cruises/2018-cbf-cruise-3227.html
    5. Pray that the goal of the 20th Biennial Conference to help participants gain some practical handles that they can take home to assist them in their church ministries will be achieved. The theme of the Conference is: Proclaiming the Kingdom.
    6. Praise God for sending Dr. Daniel Block to be our Keynote Speaker. Dr. Block is Professor of Old Testament at Wheaton College, Chicago whose delight is to see students passionate about the Old Testament and to preach and teach from it.
    7. Pray also for the workshop leaders of the Conference – Dr. Daniel Block, Deacon Sau Wing Lam, and members of two Panel Discussions.
    8. For more information about our 20th Biennial Conference, please click here.
  2. Pray for the Church Planting Initiative of CBF
    1. Praise God for the 50 church planters who serve faithfully and tirelessly in the 70 churches, bible study mission points, and fellowship groups each week.
    2. Pray for the people they have reached and continue to reach for the Kingdom through preaching, teaching and caring for those in their communities.
    3. Praise God for our good working relationship with NAMB in church planting. Pray that God would call out workers into His harvest field.
    4. Pray for Pastor and Mrs. Peter Liu. Their daughter, Joanna, will resume another course of therapy for her brain tumor this week. Pray for strength and peace as they face this trial of their faith together. Click here to read Pastor Peter’s “My Reflections on this Thanksgiving: My Testimony” in light of everything that is happening in his life right now.
  3. Pray for the Care of Ministers Ministry
    1. Pray Mrs. Sarah Chiu and Mrs. Kate Leong as they reach out to wives of ministers to provide affirmation, encouragement and support to this group of faithful partners in ministry.
    2. Pray for the next event for wives of ministers to be held in the San Francisco Bay Area on December 16 2017. Currently, there are 25 wives who have registered to attend.
  4. Pray for the Health of Churches
    1. Pray for good working relationships between ministers and their leaders as they serve together in ministry.
    2. Pray for the discipling and equipping emphasis of each church that will help believers to become more Christ-like as they grow in their love for God and people.
    3. Pray for an effective pulpit ministry that is God focused, Bible centered and relevant for life.
    4. Pray for Pastors who serve faithfully each week as they fulfill the calling God has for them in ministry. May God bless them to have strength from on high to serve His church.
  5. Pray for our Disaster Relief Fund Efforts
    1. Praise God for the generosity of the churches and brothers and sisters in giving to the Fund. To date, we have raised $25,000.
    2. Pray for those in Houston who are displaced from their homes because of flooding and unable to return to live in them for a while.
    3. Pray for the churches ministering to flood victims that they will be a powerful witness in their community through their service.
    4. (Click here to view the Fund Raising Letter to the Churches and the download the poster for USA and Canada.)
  6. Pray for Pastor Amos as he travels in the next few months
    1. Pray for his health and for journey mercies as he travels to visit pastors and churches in the New England states and New York State this week.
    2. Pray for God’s favor as he ministers in the various churches.
    3. (Read Pastor Amos’ “A Yokefellow’s Chronicle”, his musings, reflections and spiritual insights of his journeys.)


    1. 為第二十屆年議會的籌備禱告
      1. 為籌備會委員禱告。
      2. 第二十屆年議會將於2018年9月24日至28日在航往墨西哥的恩塞納達的 “嘉年華啟發號” 郵輪上舉行。為這連絡, 學習及團契的好機㑹禱告。
      3. 為參加者有一個受教及願意成長的心禱告。
      4. 為註冊過程順利祈禱。 有關船上住宿登記的更多信息,請上網: https://www.icruise.com/cruises/2018-cbf-cruise-3227.html
      5. 為第二十屆年議會要達成的目的禱告 – 就是幫助參加者能得著一些實際的方法,帶回他們的教會,來幫助他們更有效的服事。主題: 傳揚神國。
      6. 為Daniel Block博士成為大㑹講員感謝神同時為他禱告。Daniel Block博士是芝加哥惠頓學院 (Wheaton College)的舊約教授。 他最大的喜樂就是看到他的學生熱愛學習舊約,而從中教導及指引他人。
      7. 為工作坊的講員禱告 — 博達理博士, 林修榮執事, 和其他帶領討論小組的成員。
      8. 有關我們第20屆年議會的更多信息,請點擊這裡
    2. 為植堂的事工禱告
      1. 為我們50位的植堂傳道人在70間教會,查經班及團契忠心服事讚美神。為接觸到没有機會聽到福音的人禱告。
      2. 為他們每天傳講福音, 教導信徒, 接觸人群及関心社區禱告。
      3. 為美加華浸與美南NAMB在植堂事工友好的合作讚美神。求神差派工人去收割衪的莊稼。
      4. 為劉奇峰牧師師母禱告。 他們的女兒 Joanna本週將恢復治療她腦瘤療程。 為他們這次的信心試煉求神賜他們力量與平安。 請點擊這裡閱讀刘牧師關於他的“反思感恩”。(劉牧師是密西西比州杰傑克遜華人基督教會㑹牧,美加華人浸信會聯㑹副會長負責教會植堂事工。)
    3. 為關懷教牧同工事工禱告
      1. 為招世超師母及梁德舜師母感謝神。 他們带領這事工接觸同工的妻子,向這一群忠心事奉的伙伴提供肯定鼓勵和支持。
      2. 為下一次的活動在12月16日在三藩市湾區舉行代祷。現己有二十五位師母報名參加。
    4. 為教㑹的康健禱告
      1. 為教牧同工之間及他們與教會領袖之間有良好的關係,同心在主的事工上有美好的配搭禱告。
      2. 為教㑹在安排培訓及裝備的事工上能幫助信徒更像耶稣基督,愛神愛人的心代禱。
      3. 為教㑹講壇的事奉更加能够讓焦點放在神與祂的話語上及實際生活化禱告。
      4. 為教㑹教牧同工每天忠心的擺上感恩代禱。求神賜福他们給他们有從天而來的能力。
    5. 為聯㑹振災的事工禱告
      1. 為教會弟兄姊妹慷慨樂意奉獻的心感謝神。至今我們以收到 $25,000。
      2. 為休斯頓有些弟兄姊妹及傳道人仍然末能回去自己的家園渡聖誕代祷。
      3. 為當地教㑹能在服务社區而把握機㑹成為美好的見証感謝神代祷。
      4. 請在此點擊參閱給教㑹的籌款信件及振災海報: 美國加拿大
    6. 為李英柏牧師禱告
      1. 求神保守他的健康及當他出外探望教㑹時有平安。他現正在探访美國東北部及紐約州的教牧同工及教會。為他在各處與教牧同工會面代禱。
      2. 求神賜恩典給他讓他可以完成神托付他的事奉。
      3. (請參閱“同軛手記”,參閱李英柏牧師返回自己所屬教㑹時深切感受和反思 。)