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Prayer Link 聯手禱告 10-01-2019

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Prayer Link
(Updated October 1 2019)

1. The 21st Biennial Conference – September 29-October 1 , 2020

a. Praise God and pray for the local Arrangement Committee drawn from Pastors in the San Francisco Bay Area as they meet and plan for the Conferencence.

b. Praise God for His provision of Dr. David Allen as the Keynote Speaker for the Conference. Dr. Allen is the Dean of the School of Preaching, Distinguished Professor of Preaching, Director of the Center for Expository Preaching, and holds the George W. Truett Chair of Pastoral Ministry at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth Texas.

c. Pray for the Conference that it would accomplish its theme to – “Be Strong” – in helping participants to engage the issues that impact them as church and as individual Christians.  Click here for preliminary information of the Conference.

d. Pray for the recruitment of Workshop Leaders for the Conference for both the Chinese and English Tracks.

2. Church Planting Initiative

a. Praise God for the church planters who serve faithfully and tirelessly in the more than 70 churches, Bible Study mission points, and fellowship groups each week.

b. Pray for the people they have reached and continue to reach for the Kingdom through preaching, teaching and caring for those in their communities.

c. Praise God for our good working relationship with NAMB as we collaborate together through planting Chinese Baptist churches.

d. Praise God for the Church Planters Retreat held in conjunction with the Pioneer Camp in Glen Rose, Texas, May 24-27. Praise God for a great time of learning, sharing and fellowshipping with one another.

e. Pray to the Lord of the Harvest to send forth workers into His harvest field. We have a great need for church planters.

f. Praise God for the Inaugural Worship Service of a new Chinese Baptist church in Champaign, Illinois September 29.

g. Praise God for the Hattiesburg Chinese Christian Church in their Building Dedication and Thanksgiving Service on June 1 2019. The church was planted 7 years ago. Please click here to read why the church became independent of their mother church and the spiritual journey they took which culminated in their Building Dedication and Thanksgiving Service. Inspiring!

Click here for reports and sharing from our Church Planters Retreats and here for the February 2019 and the April 2019 editions of NEWSLINK featuring our new church plants that had their inaugural worships in January this year.

3. Care of Ministers Ministry

a. Praise God for Mrs. Sarah Chiu and Mrs. Kate Leong as they reach out to the wives of ministers to provide affirmation, encouragement and support to this group of faithful partners in ministry. For a report of their ministry as featured in the October 2018 edition of the NEWSLINK, please click here.

b. Praise God for the very uplifting time the wives of ministers had at their very first Retreat held at the San Francisco Airport Marriott Waterfront Hotel, September 26-28, 2019. Praise God for a great time supporting each other and relaxing.

c. Praise God for the ministry to pastors and their wives for their emotional well-being.

4. English/NextGen Ministry

a. Praise God for the additional focus of the English/NextGen Ministry in CBF.

b. Pray for Pastor William Eng, Pastor Francis Chung, and Pastor Conrad Au who are leading this ministry.

c. Pray for the team as they seek to reach out to churches and pastors in developing their English ministry.

5. The Health of Churches

a. Pray for good working relationships between ministers and their leaders as they serve together in ministry.

b. Pray for the discipling and equipping emphasis of each church that will help believers to become more Christ-like as they grow in their love for God and people.

c. Pray for an effective pulpit ministry that is God focused, Bible centered and relevant for life.

d. Pray for Pastors who serve faithfully each week as they fulfill the calling God has for them in ministry. May God bless them to have strength from on high to serve His church.

e. Pray for leaders in the churches as they seek wisdom and understanding to discern the times and to make changes in their ministry focus and structure in order to be more effective in BE-ING what God wants them to BE in reaching their communities for Christ.

f. Pray for churches that are in need of ministers. Pray that in the search process that they will use that as an opportunity for spiritual growth as they assess their ministry needs, discern who they are looking for, seek the Lord for His provision and keep their eyes open to see who the Lord might lead them to.

6. Executive Director Pastor Amos

a. Pray for his ministry among the churches.

b. Praise God for his visit to Vancouver to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Vancouver Chinese Baptist Church last month. He also visited pastors in Calgary and Edmonton with Rev. Benny Wong (President of the Fellowship) and Rev. Jeremy Sin (NAMB).

c. Pray also for his travel to Malaysia this month to attend the 9th Trans-World Chinese Baptist Mission Conference in Penang, Malaysia and as the Commencement Speaker of the Malaysia Baptist Theological Seminary as well as celebrating its 65th Anniversary.

d. Pray for his health.

(2019 年10月1日更新)


a. 為在三藩市灣區組成的教牧同工「籌備委員會」禱告。

b. 為神所預備的大會主題講員David Allen 博士感謝神。他是德州西南神學院講道學院的主任,講道學的傑出教授,釋經講道中心主任,並George W. Truett教牧關懷榮譽教授。

c. 為大會的主題「剛強起來」發生功效使參加者能學曉如何面對事奉及個人的挑戰代禱。

d. 為教牧同工, 教會領袖及弟兄姊妹踴躍報名參加代禱。(請點擊這裡看更多有關資訊。)

e. 為大會邀請中英文工作坊的講員代禱。

2. 植堂事工

a. 為我們的植堂傳道人在70多間教會的查經班及團契,忠心服事讚美神。為接觸到没有機會聽到福音的人禱告。

b. 為他們每天傳講福音, 教導信徒,接觸人群及關心社區禱告。

c. 為美加華浸與美南NAMB在植堂事工友好的合作讚美神。 我們在多方面彼此配搭,栽植更多華人浸信教會。

d. 求莊稼的主派工人去收割祂的莊稼。我們非常缺乏栽植同工。

e. 為香槟-厄巴納生命河教㑹九月廿九日在Champaign-Urbana, Illinois成立讚美神。

f. 為哈蒂斯堡華人基督教會在六月一日舉行獻堂感恩典禮感謝神。該堂於七年前被栽植。請點擊這裡閱讀有關該教會為何從母會自立和他們如何經歷神的供應及同在。

點擊 這裡閱讀植堂人的報告及點擊閱讀「簡訊」的報道關於在俄亥俄州都柏林浸信會華人教會及在南加州牧揚弟一華人浸信會的成立。

3. 教牧關懷

a. 為招世超師母和梁德舜師母感謝神。 他們带領這事工的一部分, 接觸同工的師母, 向這一群忠心事奉的伙伴提供肯定鼓勵和支持。 請點擊閱讀「美加簡訊」去年十月份刊登「師母關懷事工」報告。

b. 為 40位師母參加第一屆「師母退修會」感謝神。她們在2019年9月26日至28日在三藩市灣區一同渡過一段輕鬆而有意義的時刻讚美神。

c. 請為關懷事工小組, 今年計劃關心牧者及師母心理健康代禱。

4. 英文/下一代事工

a. 為在二十屆年議會所設立這個事奉,成為聯會事工重點之一讚美神。

b. 為這事工領導團隊代禱:伍偉濂牧師,鍾惠賢牧師和區康華牧師。

c. 求主給他們智慧來接觸教牧同工及帮助他們發展英語/下一代事工。

5. 教會的康健

a. 為教牧同工之間及他們與教會領袖之間有良好的關係,同心在主的事工上有美好的配搭禱告。

b. 為教㑹在安排培訓及裝備的事工上能幫助信徒更像耶稣基督,愛神愛人的心代禱。

c. 為教會講壇的事奉更加能够讓焦點放在神,與祂的話語上及實際生活化禱告。

d. 為教會教牧同工每天忠心的擺上感恩代禱。求神賜福他們給他们有從天而來的能力。

e. 為教牧同工及教會領袖們「…通曉時勢和知道當怎樣…」帶動教會面對社會的變化,而改變事奉的方向及結構,使教會更加有效地發揮教會的功能。

f. 為需要傳道人的教會禱告。 為他們正在尋求過程中, 了解到教會的需要, 認定誰是適合的人選, 等候主的帶領及供應, 藉着這時刻帶來教會會眾一個成長的靈程

6. 總幹事李英柏牧師

a. 為他在教會中的事奉代禱。

b. 為他九月在加拿大溫哥華華人浸信會參加他們五十週年慶典感恩。他也陪同黄守謙牧師及冼志儉牧師探望在Calgary及Edmonton的教牧同工。

c. 為他十月去馬來西亞檳城參加第九屆全球華人浸信會宣教大會及馬來西亞浸信會神學院畢業典禮講員代禱。

d. 繼續為他的健康仰望神。